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Book 1

Anne of Green Gables

'Oh, it seems so wonderful that I'm going to live with you and belong to you. I've never belonged to anybody - not really' When a scrawny, freckled girl with bright red hair arrives on Prince Edward Island, Marilla and Matthew Cuthbert are taken by surprise.


Book 2

Anne of Avonlea

Five years ago, Anne arrived at Avonlea a skinny orphan without a friend in the world; now it would be impossible to imagine Green Gables without her. Anne's high spirits and warm heart have won her a family and friends who love her.


Book 3

Anne of the Island

At eighteen years old Anne is leaving Green Gables for university - her life's dream. But her feelings are bittersweet: although excited to see the world, she is heartbroken to leave her home and everyone she loves.


Welcome to

With seven television, film, and miniseries adaptations in English alone —amongst numerous adaptations in other languages, like the Japanese anime series— it couldn’t be clearer: since its publication 110 years ago in 1908, Lucy Montgomery’s Anne of Green Gables is here to stay.


These classic novels follow the adventures of the spirited redhead Anne Shirley, who comes to stay at Green Gables and wins the hearts of everyone she meets. Follow the journey of 11-year-old red-headed orphan as she grows up over the course of these first three titles.

Alejandro Deli

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